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Martin Cooper, inventor of the HP Systems

Martin Cooper, inventor of the HP Systems

In 1910 was the forerunner handphone (HP) which was discovered by Lars Magnus Ericsson is now known by the company Sony Ericsson. In 1921, the first time the Detroit Police Department, Michigan using the mobile phone plugged in all the police car using a frequency of 2 MHz.

Mobile phones were first introduced to the public on 3 April 1973 in New York. At that time, HP made Motorola is still a prototype and tested by Martin Copper in the New York area. The idea of the type proposed by Cooper is a communication tool that is small and easy to carry travel flexibly. This mobile phone is known as the first generation (1-G). At that time, Cooper is considered strange by people who saw him talking on the phone all the way. Someone even stopped moving just looking at it.

Telephone calls using the mobile phone was first telephoned Dr Joel S Engel, a competitor who works as head of research at Bell Labs Phone Company and Cooper told Engel that already the first phone that does not require wires, and Cooper was the one who made it. Then Cooper invited journalists to a press conference and demonstration in front of journalists to prove that the technology of communication at the time actually developing and wireless communication is not a hoax.

Motorola began marketing its first HP in 1983 called the Motorola Dyna-Tac and weighs 0.4 pounds. Since Motorola released the first HP, occurred a remarkable development in mobile phone industry, namely the emergence of mobile phones with smaller sizes with a variety of additional advanced features, such as music player, camera, video call and Wifi. Furthermore, now comes powered Smartphone that has touch screen technology (touchscreen).
Kontes Blog Review Jejualan.com

Kontes Blog Review Jejualan.com

Dalam membuka tahun 2013 sekaligus meramaikan kembali dunia blogging di Indonesia, Jejualan.com bermaksud mengadakan Kontes Blog Review.

Waktu pelaksanaan mulai dari tanggal 17 Januari 2013 sampai tanggal 31 Maret 2013.

Untuk Pengumuman Pemenang dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu, 10 April 2013 di facebook.com/Jejualan. Jadi, pastikan kamu sudah Like FB nya Jejualan.


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Untuk Persyaratan dan info lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi http://jejualan.com/kontesblog.


Antara Siput dan Katak

Antara Siput dan Katak

Ada seekor siput yang selalu memandang sinis terhadap katak. Suatu hari, katak yang kehilangan kesabaran akhirnya berkata kepada siput:

“Tuan siput, apakah saya telah melakukan kesalahan, sehingga Anda begitu membenci saya?” tanya Katak.

Siputpun menjawab: “Kalian kaum katak mempunyai empat kaki dan bisa melompat kesana kemari, tapi saya mesti membawa cangkang yang berat ini, merangkak di tanah. Jadi saya merasa sangat sedih dan iri kepada kalian." jawab Siput.

Lalu Katak berkata: “Setiap kehidupan memiliki penderitaannya masing-masing, hanya saja kamu cuma melihat kegembiraan saya, tetapi kamu tidak melihat penderitaan kami (katak).”

Dan seketika, ada seekor elang besar yang terbang ke arah mereka, siput dengan cepat memasukan tubuhnya kedalam cangkang, sedangkan katak dimangsa oleh elang.

Selengkapnya.. http://ijolumutz.heck.in/percakapan-antara-siput-dan-katak.xhtml.